Monday, March 9, 2009

Well, we had a very fun and busy weekend. Jaimie and Oz came into town and we threw a bridal shower! It was a mostly family event and pretty uneventful (this is a good thing). It was great to have them here and we are all getting more and more excited about the upcoming wedding in Puerto Rico in just a few short months! Well, the children are beckoning, I best be going!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Roller Skating

we went roller skating last night for the first time! The kids loved it! It was so much fun! Noah spent most of the night trying to stay off the floor and Lola was being Lola. Most of the night she did not need any help, or so she kept telling me.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

OK, so this was quite a crazy week! The power went out Wednesday night and was out all day Thursday. It came back on at 7 that night but went back off at noon on Friday! When it went out the firsst time, Noah said," No! I don't want the power to be out again!" This has seemed to happen a bit to often the last 6 months or so. But, at least we are getting good at knowing just what to do and how to handle things! Oh well, it's back on and we are very happy.
Valetines Day was fun. We had a school party with Noah and a dinner party with the church. It was really fun.

Monday, February 9, 2009

So, it's about 45 outside and Noah and Lola think it's practically summer! I told them they could go play on the back deck for a little while and they are having so much fun. They have their scooters out and are ready for spring! But aren't we all?!?! I can't believe how time isflying by with them! Of course with the baby too, but to think that in just a few short months Noah will be an official kindergartener!!! YIKES!

i'm new at this

Ok, here goes! I have officially started a family blog! I'm new at this, so please don't expect too much too soon! This should be fun!